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Yere: Shocking cancer diagnosis

On June 3rd, 2020 Yere (pronounced like: ' year '), one of our Omo's Morningstar children, received shocking news after taking a...

OMC's Board of Directors

The members of OMC's Board of Directors incorporate their various skills and experiences to guide OMC. Each board member is selected based on her/his experience related to OMC's needs. 




Chumere Yerar Gardule (Board Chair)
2018: Rift Valley University (BA Accounting)
2020: Ethiopian Civil Service University (BA Development Management)
Work experience:
- 2013-2014: Dassanech District Chief Administrator
- 2014-2015: South Omo Zone Deputy Security Department Head
- 2015-2020: Member of Parliament: representing the Dassanech community in parliament 

Ephrem Eyasu Nigatu (Board Vice Chair)
- Turmi Elementary School
- Dilla University (Civic and Ethical studies)
Work experience:
- Government Leader in Yeki District: Head of Social and Labor Department
- Inspector in Education & Training  Assurance Authority

Mignote Gebermicheal Dinku (Board Secretary)
- 2007: Hawassa College of Health Sciences (Clinical Nurse Diploma)
- 2013: Dilla University Health and Medical College (BSc Public Health Professional)
- 2017: Hawassa University (MSc Applied Human Nutrition)
Work experience: 
Government clinic, Health Center in pastoralists area, lecturer in Wolaita Sodo Unversity, School of Medicine and Public Health 

Sineshawu Teshome Toru (Board Member)
Dilla University (BA Anthropology)
Work experience:
2012-2015: Journalist at Fana Broadcasting Corp., Soddo branch
2015-2016: Children's right protection and advocacy expert at A.A Bole district 03
2017-2019: Head Labor and Social Affairs Department at Bole district 02
2020: Higher expert: Public Awareness and Participation at Chief Executive Office Bole district 05

Goba Gnalaman Muda (Board Member)
- 2013 Diploma Laboratory Technician
- Ethiopian Civil Service University (BA Development Management)
Work experience:
- Turmi Health Center (2013-2014)
- Head Health Development, Hamer District

1 comment:

  1. I'm glade when I join this member.Im happy to see Mignote after a decade.


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